Our children and families are at the centre of everything we do at Ladypool. We have designed a bespoke curriculum that is built around our school vision, core values and our curriculum drivers.
School Vision
Ladypool School strives to turn out well rounded, curious, articulate, confident and happy individuals who are well prepared for the 21st century and BEYOND
Core Values:
Respect, Grow, Excel
The following curriculum drivers underpin our learning and are developed through the school:
Curriculum Drivers
Aspiration Identity Communication
We want our children to be ambitious in their aspirations. Our curriculum provides our children with the tools, opportunities and experiences to engage fully and successfully in the ever changing world in which they live. They have a range of opportunities to work with professionals who will open up their window to the world.
At Ladypool we believe that a strong sense of self goes hand in hand with self-esteem, resilience and confidence. These are all ingredients which underpin success. Through our carefully considered curriculum we ensure our students are able to know and understand themselves and learn how they can make a contribution to their city, country and the world. We also provide them with the opportunities and skills to consider knowledge from different viewpoints - creating greater tolerance and understanding.
Good communication skills enable our children to express themselves socially, develop as individuals, engage with others and contribute successfully as members of society. Our children are provided with regular opportunities to debate, present, explain and perform in a sequential and progressive manner.
We have developed our curriculum to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum alongside being specific to Ladypool. It is a knowledge rich curriculum which allows our children to continuously build on prior knowledge so that they know more, remember more and can do more.
Reading |
Writing |
Maths |
Art |
Computing |
Design Technology |
Geography |
History |
Music |
Physical Education |
Science |
Religious Education |
The curriculum offered at Ladypool is in line with the Birmingham Curriculum statement.